PMS Patrol 12 Things Your Man Can do to Make Aunt Flow Less Annoying-MainPhoto


7. Cook Dinner
When we have PMS we like to eat, but sometimes we can’t be bothered to do anything but grab a pint of ice cream. (Or is that just us?) When dinnertime rolls around, even if we claim we’re not hungry, cook us a meal. Make the effort to whip up something we can enjoy together. It will lift our mood and fill our bellies with something other than chocolate. Which might also help with the bloating.

8. Remember it’s Temporary
PMS only lasts for a few days, maybe a week, so as painful as it may be for everyone involved, it’s only temporary. It will be over soon and we promise, we’ll make it up to you as long as you can be patient with us while we’re in the menstrual trenches.