10 Ways to Get Him to Put the Damned Toilet Seat Down-MainPhoto

UPDATED June 17th, 2017

On May 12, 1792, someone patented a toilet that flushed itself at regular intervals. There’s no word on whether the device was ever actually used. Thomas Lynch once wrote, “The flush toilet, more than any single invention, has ‘civilized’ us in a way that religion and law could never accomplish.” We think that Mr. Lynch could very well be right. But, ever since toilets became a fixture (pun intended) of indoor living, one thing has proven itself again and again. Guys tend to leave the toilet seat up and gals want them to keep it down. So ladies, here are 10 ways to get your guy to keep a lid on it!

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1. The TipAlert® toilet seat alarm. At Amazon.com, you can buy the TipAlert toilet seat alarm. If the seat is left up for more than a few seconds, the alarm begins playing wolf whistles and cheeky (another pun intended) voice messages like, “Down Boy!” After a little bit of this, your man is sure to put the seat down (or, possibly, rip the alarm off the toilet).