
The Professional Cuddle Buddy: It’s a Thing

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Who doesn’t love a good cuddle buddy? At the end of a long day, or when you just need a little extra loving, a little snuggle with someone can go a long way to make you feel better. And it’s not just in your head that you feel better after…

11 Healthiest Foods that are Actually Great for You but Get a Bad Rap

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Isn’t it annoying that you always seem to hear people when they have something negative to say, but you rarely remember the compliments or pay attention to the good stuff? Well, that phenomenon exists when it comes to your diet too—you’ll…

How to Choose Great Home Art

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The art world can seem like an overwhelming place, especially if you slept through art history back in college. In fact, as Huff Post reports, recent survey by online art dealer UGallery, found that “70 percent of people have never bought…

8 Sneaky Signs of Stress That Show Up On Your Body

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Everyone needs to keep their eye on signs of stress. We all suffer from it at one time or another—we’re human, we are flawed, we get overwhelmed and it’s totally, 100% normal. Even the best planners, the most organized individuals and…

10 Reasons You Should Attend Meetup Groups

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It’s easy to get stuck in a social rut in life, where you only hang out with the same people and spend time in the same social circles every day. After all, you’re busy. Work and family take up most of your time, and the rest of your free…

Rolled Ice Cream — That's Right, Rolled

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Thanks to 10Below, which opened last year in NYC's Chinatown, rolled ice cream is one of the coolest new food trends sweeping the nation. It may sound odd but this new kind of ice cream has been a popular street food in Thailand for years…

Airplane Travel Etiquette: For Everyone's Sake

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The importance of travel etiquette really can't be overstated. For those who don't go first class (most of us!) airplanes are only getting more crowded and cramped. Traveling with the entire fam is tough enough under the best circumstances…

Love Handle Workouts to Torch Your “Muffins” in Time for Summer

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We all have a section of our body we struggle with—a trouble area that always seems to suffer when we don’t eat properly or stick to our workout routine. Some people hate their thighs, some people can actually feel that chocolate doughnut…

11 Things You'll Love About Your Taurus Man Fling

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Looking for a spring fling? Make it a Taurus man! Taurus, the bull (See where this is going?) rules the zodiac from April 20 to May 20. It's an earth sign and Taurus traits include strength, perseverance and physicality. Jamie Dornan, of 50…