
15 Popular Baby Names that Are Even More Cray-Cray than 'Saint'

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The list of popular baby names seems to get crazier and crazier each year. Every parent wants to celebrate the uniqueness, individuality and majesty of their child and what better way to start than with a truly inventive baby name? We'll have…

Immigration News: 10 Reasons Why Latinos Must Rise Up to Support All

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Between the Syrian refugee crisis and Donald Trump's anti-Muslim rhetoric, immigration news has been front and center lately — stirring up controversy among the 2016 presidential candidates. While all U.S. citizens should support immigrants…

Feeling Guilty? How to Give These Emotions a Swift Kick in the Butt

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With daily responsibilities of work, family and self-care, we often find ourselves feeling guilty, frustrated, over-stretched, and downright hard on ourselves for not accomplishing everything. Everyday pressures can make us imperfect people…

How to Wow Your Guests with Bread Bowl Soups

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It's not a winter feast without bread bowl soup! Everything tastes better served with hearty, crusty bread so it stands to reason that it's even better served in bread. Not only are bread bowls delicious, they're perfect for a party — you…

Lion-like: 10 Ways to Show More Loyalty this Year

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Loyalty is one of the most important elements of any relationship. According to the Oxford Dictionaries loyalty is "Giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution." You need loyalty in romantic relationships…

10 Latin-Flavored Soups to Make January Sizzle

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Fight off the winter chill this January with some tasty, satisfying Latin-style soups. Sure the old standbys like chicken noodle and lentil are always guaranteed to hit the spot on a blustery day but there are so many new and different flavor…

Goal Setting : How to Get the Heck Out of Your Own Way and Actually Grow!

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New Year's resolutions are all about goal-setting, but how do you actually reach those goals once you've set them? That's the tricky part! And many times you are your own biggest obstacle. We're all guilty of self-sabotage from time to time…
Sneaker Pimp: The Subtle Art of Chic and Comfy Shoes-MainPhoto

Sneaker Pimp: The Subtle Art of Chic and Comfy Shoes

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Do you find yourself wearing your sneakers a little too often lately since they are so in fashion? You are not alone. It seems every fashion blogger is pairing her Adidas Stan Smith’s with everything from jean skirts to dress slacks. But…

The Travel to Cuba Report: How to Start Planning Your Caribbean Sojourn

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Maybe it’s just us, but the exhausting holiday season mixed with chilly winter weather has us in a January slump, and now we’re desperate for a vacation. But where to go? There are endless possibilities, but one option needs to be moved…