
Quinceañera Money Savers

UPDATED January 12th, 2018 Having a Quinceañera is a special time, as it commemorates the transition from girl to young woman. The event is usually filled with beautiful gowns, flowers, food, loved ones, and stress about how to pay for…

5 Ways to Bring the Classroom Home

UPDATED January 12th, 2018 A mother's heart is the child's classroom. —Henry Ward Beecher As the school year begins and you watch your child walk off into a new frontier—a new school, a new classroom, with a new teacher—remember…

Running A 5K? You Can Do it, Here's How

UPDATED January 12th, 2018 The first time I ran a 5K, I was a freshman in high school and I had just decided to sign up for the cross-country team. It was a curious choice. I had never run a day in my life. Being on the cross-country…
Wardrobe Apps Style and Shopping Tips

5 Must-Have Wardrobe Apps: Style and Shopping Tips On the Go

UPDATED January 12th, 2018 Think that phenomenal print may not match anything you own? Wonder if you can find that gorgeous frock at a lower price? Don't know what to wear today? There's an app for that! These style apps make shopping…
Makeup for Busy Moms

Makeup for Busy Moms

UPDATED January 12th, 2018 Whether you are one busy mami or multi-tasking mujer, applying some make-up every day does make one look and, therefore, feel better. In addition to these mami-helpers, you can use skin and eye brighteners,…

How to Limit Your Children's College Debt

UPDATED January 12th, 2018 College loans are always a long-term burden but, with the current high level of unemployment, they can be a serious nightmare. If your kids are approaching college-age, here are a few secrets to help you…

Disagreements Over Discipline May Be Sign of Something Deeper

UPDATED January 12th, 2018 Yvette, a Manhattan mother of two, recounts a day recently when her husband accused her of being a negligent mother because she took one of the boys, who at the time was running a dangerously high fever, out…

Keeping an Eye on Children Recovering From Colds

UPDATED November 15th, 2017 Recently I had a bout with cold-induced Asthma with my daughter. Since I wasn’t previously exposed to the process of watching your child not be able to fully breathe, the episode really scared me. I’m sharing…

4 Fun Ways to Get the Kids Involved in Thanksgiving Prep

UPDATED November 14th, 2017 My children like to be included in activities around the house, and Thanksgiving is a perfect opportunity to put them to work! Kids get revved up about Thanksgiving, as it ushers in the holiday season, and…