

As far as how to create a blog, once you have a direction you need to find your voice. According to Honey Good, writer, blogger and Founder of, “we are all writers as our thoughts carry us through story after story, each day in our life.” Your voice comes from what you have experienced in the past, how you interact with people every day and how you talk to yourself when no one is watching. A great place to start when you want to find your voice is to record a journal. Write freely, jot down whatever you are thinking, whatever you want to say and even the things you’re a little embarrassed to put in writing. After a few days, read what you have recorded—you will find your voice.

Speaking of consistency, to create a successful blog, you need to commit to providing consistent content. This means that you need to provide content on a consistent basis. As in, you need to write new posts regularly and reliably. You can’t write an article once a year and expect people to listen. You need to become a constant source of information, inspiration, fun, entertainment, advice, honesty, humor, help and everything in between. Whatever you offer, offer it often.