

  1. What should I do during a seizure?
    First of all, stay calm and move anything potentially harmful away from the person who is having an epileptic seizure. Pay attention to the length of the seizure. If this is the first known seizure for the person, or if it lasts for more than five minutes, call 911 right away. Otherwise, do your best to keep others away and to make the person as comfortable as possible. Don’t attempt to hold them down or put anything in their mouth, including water or medication. And above all, be supportive.
  1. Seizures have a beginning, middle and end.
    First of all, epilepsy symptoms vary and seizures manifest differently with everyone. But one consistency is that seizures have a beginning, middle and end. The beginning of a seizure involves signs of the oncoming seizure, which typically include strange sensations such as smells and tastes as well as physical symptoms like headaches, drooling, numbness etc. The middle portion is the seizure itself, which means the sensory and physical ways the seizure displays (convulsions, loss of consciousness, inability to speak etc.) The end, which can take anywhere from seconds to hours, is when the brain recovers and is usually accompanied with disorientation and memory loss of the recent event.