7 TV Commercials That are Offensive to Latinos-MainPhoto

7 TV Commercials That are Offensive to Latinos-MainPhoto

COSMO Latina Logo-ReducedOver the last decade, companies have come to discover the spending potential of the Latino community in the U.S. But, more often than not, their efforts to woo Latinos have gone terribly wrong. These commercials range from laughably clueless to just plain inappropriate.

Read Related: 14 Things Not To Say To A Latina, Ever!

IO Optimum Online Digital Cable Reggaetón Commercial
Just as reggaetón was crossing over into the United States, the geniuses at Optimum Online decided to hop on the bandwagon with this over-the-top spot. From the god-awful rap to the scantly clad singing mermaids — who make the Fantanas look like the Spice Girls in comparison — this heaping piece of garbage proves all the more offensive by relying on a nonsensical storyline. How did the dude’s living room end up being at the center of a sandy beach? And why are pirates cavorting on this beach? And most important, what’s up with the talking sea monster at the end?

Read the full article on Cosmopolitan for Latinas.