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Heads Up: The Truth About Bald Spots & Hair Loss in Women

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As we age a lot of things can change with your looks and your body. Things that used to be perky begin to sag, and while wrinkles and gray hair may get most of the attention, hair loss in women is a serious issue for a lot of people. And newsflash,…

Holy Skin: 10 New Ways to Step Up Your Pore Minimizer Game

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Unfortunately there is no permanent pore minimizer. The size of your pores is mostly determined by genetics and age — as you get older your pores get bigger. Of course! But if you think your pores sometimes seem like they're getting larger…

Multi-Masking: the New Beauty Mud Mask Trend

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At last there's a mud mask beauty trend that started on Instagram that truly makes sense (remember Clown Contouring?) It’s a skin care strategy called multi-masking that consists in applying two to three facial masks on different areas…

Blow Glow: 10 Tips to Perfectly Blow Out Hair

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Believe it or not, it is possible for you to blow out hair like a pro at home. After all, who has the time or money to go to a salon every time we've got a big presentation at work or a hot date? With a few easy tricks for how to blow dry…

Tresses Stresses: 8 Ways You Are the Cause of Your Own Damaged Hair

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We’re all likely guilty of not paying enough attention to damaged hair. While a nice smile and clear skin can certainly make a big impression, a gorgeous head of hair gets people’s attention as well. And we’re not talking about a perfectly…

Volume Hacking: How to Make Hair Thicker Now

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How to make hair thicker is a question many ladies ask themselves every day. Healthy, shining, full, gorgeous hair is what some of us dream about. We see it on our favorite TV shows and in commercials; don’t we deserve long flowing locks…

Lips of Summer: 8 Best Lip Gloss Looks that Smolder

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When it comes to your summer beauty routine, it’s all about the shine—which means it’s time for the best lip gloss. This is the time of year to show off some skin, to embrace your wild wind-blown waves and to let your sun-kissed skin…

Braids for Days: 5 Braided Hairstyles to Try Right Now

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When it gets hot outside you’ll want to stick to fuss-free hairstyles that keep hair away from your face and still look chic. Enter braided hairstyles—yes those same hairdos you wore religiously when you were 10 years old. They haven’t…

Glam Goes Digital: The Beauty & Makeup App Update

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If it seems like you're hearing about a new makeup app almost every day, it's because you probably are! If you don't already have a Smartphone addiction, you will be totally hooked once you check out the bounty of beauty knowledge and access…