Snow Glow: 15 Ways to Keep Your Mane Lustrous in Winter
Beauty, Slider, Style
You winterize your house, checking out the furnace and looking for drafts. You winterize your car by adding antifreeze and snow tires. It’s time to winterize your hair as well. We all know winter is harsh on skin and it’s no less damaging…
Voting 101: 10 Surprising Facts About Election Day
Money, News & Politics, Slider
In case you’ve been living under a rock, Election Day is fast approaching. As we enter into November, we’re preparing to exercise our civic duty and right to elect our officials and you should be too! In 1992 Gore Vidal wrote in Screening…
The Infernal Breakfast: 10 Ways to Make Deviled Eggs
Breakfast, Recipes, Slider
November 2is Deviled Egg Day so why not use it as an excuse to try a few different spins on the hard-boiled egg turned hors d'oeuvres classic? Julia Child once said, “People who love to eat are always the best people.” So we found some…
Time Crusher: 10 Ways to Have a Whole Morning Before You Even Get to Work
Money, Slider, Work
Time management is not just a fancy term. In fact, those who have tapped into solid time management skills probably find that they get a lot more accomplished during the day and they also feel better. Maximizing one’s time is something of…
Impermanent Beauty: 15 Reasons Why Temporary Tattoos are the New Accessories
Slider, Style, Trends
For people of a certain age, the words temporary tattoo evoke images of those sticky, dusty little treasures at the bottom of cereal and Cracker Jack boxes. But anyone who followed Beyoncé's luxurious yachting vaycay on Instagram this summer…
Latinas – Spotting the Signs Early Is Only Half the Battle to Breast Cancer Survival
Family Health, Health, Slider
There is no real way to describe the overwhelming and emotional reaction one can feel when faced with the possibility of cancer. Even the word cancer itself, can stir a mix of concern and fear among the strongest willed persons. Breast cancer…
Self-Sabotage Much? 15 Reasons Why You are Standing in Your Own Way at Work
Money, Slider, Work
Picture this: You’ve been at the same job for years, you work hard, are focused, dedicated, loyal, and yet you keep getting overlooked when it comes time for bonuses and promotions. And that dweeb in the cubicle next to you just landed a…
Palm’s Up: 10 Tips to Maintain the Softest Hands
Beauty, Slider, Style
Every day there are more and more procedures, products and tips to help us reverse the signs of aging on our faces. But what about our hands? We use them for almost everything we do, so naturally they are going to show a little wear and tear…
Getting Leggy: 11 Ways to Rock Tights This Season
Slider, Style, Trends
On October 27, 1939 the DuPont company sold the first pairs of nylon stockings in Wilmington, Delaware where they instantly sold out. It was the beginning of a fashion revolution—in some cases literally as nylons became scarce during WWII.…