How to Match Your Lipstick Shade to Your Horoscope Signs
Astrology, Life, Slider
It’s no secret that your horoscope signs can say a lot about who you are and what drives you in terms of your behaviors, your relationships, your goals and your personality. Your sun sign, which is based on the position of the sun and planets…
What You Need to Know About the $400 Dyson Hair Dryer
Beauty, Slider, Style
Women (and men for that matter) go to great lengths to look their best. And quite often that means investing time and money in the latest and greatest gadgets to get their hair looking perfect. We’re willing to bet that you own a blow dryer,…
Why You Need to Go to Adult Summer Camp
Entertainment, Life, Slider
Adult summer camp? Huh? Hear us out. School is out for summer, and parents everywhere are watching their kids go off to summer camp, overwhelmed with emotions. Chances are you are happy for your offspring, you are excited for everything they…
Pet Photography 101: Take Your Pet's Portrait Like a Total Boss
Entertainment, Life, Slider
If you love your pet, and we mean really love your pet, then he or she is more than just a furry friend—your pet is a part of your family. And like any family member, their precious little fluffy faces deserve to be captured, documented…
10 Unique Ways to Make a Fried Egg
Recipes, Slider
Cooking your old egg standard just got all the more innovative. Whether you like fried egg or baked, you’re probably aware that your humble egg routine also has impressive health credentials. As long as you’re not avoiding eggs due to…
How to Plan Your July 4th Independence Day Weekend Like a Boss
Entertainment, Life, Slider
When it comes to weekends, we hate to play favorites. After all, any time away from work and spent alongside loved ones (and most likely with a glass or two of rosé in hand) is pretty special in our book. But if we had to choose, we’d pick…
Krispy Kreme vs. Dunkin Donuts. Who Wins?
Diet & Nutrition, Health, Slider
Homer Simpson once pondered: “Donuts. Is there anything they can’t do?” We could just imagine that every Simpsons viewer momentarily imagined their own favorite glazed and infused donut from their childhood in unison. While the U.S.…
Here’s Why You Should Aim to be a Surfer Girl
Fitness & Exercise, Health, Slider
Generally speaking, women can do pretty much anything they set their minds to. We are tough, we are bold, we are stronger than we think, and we can physically and emotionally handle a lot. Hello monthly periods? Birthing human beings? PMS?…
Happy Hobbies: 15 Leisure Activities to Make You Smile
Entertainment, Life, Slider
Were you asked recently what your hobbies were by either a new acquaintance or a possible employer and were left speechless? Who has time for a hobby when you’re raising children and working you might ask? You actually do have the time if…