Animal House: When Wild Animals Invade
Money, News & Politics
For most of us, the prospect of an encounter with any wild animal is downright terrifying—and significantly more so when said animal decides to make a cameo in our very own backyard. Take, for example, the case of the South Florida family…
How to Write a Killer Resume: Avoid 6 Common Mistakes
Money, Work
If you are looking for a job or to advance in your career your resume represents you. That means, it is your one chance to get your foot in the door. So when it’s filled with errors or difficult to read, you can bet the person reviewing…
8 Ways to Succeed On the Job
Money, Work
If you’re determined to get a promotion, raise or even a better job this year, one thing you must ask yourself is: “How can I improve my employment opportunities?” Thankfully, it may be easier than you think to stack the deck in your…
Organize Your Life Using Pizza Boxes
Dollars and Sense, Money
In case you didn't know, you may organize your life using pizza boxes in a creative way.
I'm like my mother, I keep everything. And then on top of that, I'm a crafter—so I have lots of crafting tools: scissors, scrapbooking paper, rubber…
How to Solve Conflicts at Work
Money, Work
Women are good conflict solvers, so why do we have a hard time doing this at work?
I often hear friends, colleagues or clients complain that others don't understand them. "He's not listening to me," or "She doesn't understand what I want."…
Tips to Travel With Kids
Money, Traveling
Traveling with kids is an adventures. Here are my tips to travel with them.
In America, there are two classes of travel: First class, and with children. —Robert Benchley
"When you have a baby, your family should be obligated to…
Using Your Credit Card To Build Your Credit
Dollars and Sense, Money
Credit cards can be used to build your credit, as long a you use them responsibly.
Using credit cards for your gift shopping is almost a holiday tradition in itself. Unfortunately, many people not only underestimate how much they spend…
DIY Christmas Cards With a Latin Touch
Dollars and Sense, Money
Why not make your own Christmas cards to sustain the environment and save money?
When I was a full-time television reporter, I had hundreds of business contacts. These were people who I had to put on my Christmas list. So one year, I decided…
Secret Santa: 7 Golden Rules for Giving
Money, Work
When it comes to gift giving in the workplace, one of the most popular traditions is Secret Santa. Although participation is voluntary, you may find yourself caught in the middle of it when most of your co-workers draw a little paper from…