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20 Things You Can Do With A Smartphone To Sharpen Creativity

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It’s no secret that smartphones are EVERYWHERE. In fact, it is expected that by the end of 2014 1.75 billion people will be using smartphones worldwide. Yes, we said billion…with a B. Some of us spend more quality time with our phones…

10 Ways Latina Moms Better Plan for Retirement

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It’s easy to get caught up in the moment when it comes to your finances. You have bills to pay now, items you want to buy now, priorities and goals for your family that need to be addressed NOW. But it is more crucial than ever to focus…

10 Reasons to Take a Spontaneous Weekend Road Trip

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When someone asks you if you’ve got any fun plans for the weekend and all you can think of is mowing the lawn, catching up on paperwork, and organizing your’s definitely time for a spontaneous road trip! Leaving all that behind,…

Stagnation Nation: 15 Ways to Tell if You Need a Career Change

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During the recent economic crisis people held on to their jobs for dear life. The fear of risking a steady income kept many workers from seeking more meaningful employment that was more relevant to their education. As the economy recovers,…

10 Ways to Tell if You're Being Confident Versus Cocky

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Feeling self-assured in whatever you do, whether it’s a presentation at work or just cooking dinner, is always a plus. Confident people do what they need to do without needing praise and admiration. A cocky person, however, is actually less…

19 Facts Every Latina Mom Needs to Know About the Immigration Debate

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Since October, it is estimated that approximately 57,000 Central American immigrant children have entered the United States. Reportedly, 80% are from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala and another 30,000 children are expected to emigrate…

10 Reasons Why Being a Tech Geek is the New Black

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We all know a geek. In days gone by they ran the audio-visual equipment at school or set up the announcer’s booth at the football game. These days, however, being a geek means you hold the whole world in your hand. Geeks have become indispensable.…

20 Budget Travel Hacks to Maximize Your Cash

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Imagine going away for a fabulous vacation and coming home with money still in your wallet, a healthy bank account and no insane credit card bills looming next month. It is possible if you plan ahead and do some diligent research before you…

9 Ways Hotels are Getting Even Cooler

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Can you remember the last time you raved about one of your hotel rooms? We’re talking really went crazy about the service or the location or the food? If you’re one of the lucky ones who regularly enjoys some of these unique hotel rooms,…