The Art of Having ‘Cred: 15 Credit Card Tactics Everyone Should Employ
Dollars and Sense, Money, Slider
For many of us, our credit cards have been getting a whole lot of action lately. That daily cup of coffee, our grocery run, the pair of shoes we couldn’t resist, gas, and literally everything we buy online…our shiny plastic friend has…
Kindle Your Flame: 15 Reasons Why Having a Kindle Will Change Your Life
Featured Stories, Money, Technology
If you’re a little old-fashioned when it comes to your reading habits, you’re not alone. A lot of us are holding onto printed books for dear life. But no matter how nostalgic you may be about turning a paper page, your world is about to…
Overstimulated: 10 Signs You Have One Too Many Tech Devices on Your Hands
Featured Stories, Money, Technology
Don’t deny it, like us, you’ve got a ton of gadgets at your fingertips at all times. From smartphones to tablets, PDAs to Kindles, iPods and fitness bands, and of course there’s the good old-fashioned laptops. With so many technological…
Surreptitious & Vicious: 15 Types of Hidden Fees that Suck Your Wallet Dry
Dollars and Sense, Featured Stories, Money
We cannot even begin to commiserate with you over the headache of hidden fees. From banks to airlines, everybody is charging surreptitious and vicious amounts. We seriously need to understand these hidden fees and know where to look for them…
The Negotiator: 10 Things to Consider When Asking for a Raise
Money, Slider, Work
Doesn’t it drive you mad to think that you could be making twice or thrice as much money as you do now? You know how hard you work, you know how much of yourself you put into your job—so why, oh why, do we lowball ourselves and settle…
Fast Tracking: 10 Ways to Double Your Salary in One Year
Money, Slider, Work
The economy is getting better but times are still tough. While more people are working, fewer are working full-time in their chosen field and many are working multiple jobs just to stay afloat. The good news is that more and more jobs are…
The Scholarly Traveler: 10 Ways to Make Your Family Vacay Educational
Featured Stories, Money, Traveling
Summer is over and school’s back in session. You’re settling into your old routine, your kids are back to homework and after-school activities and it’s almost like summer never happened. So naturally it’s time to think about your next…
15 Reasons You’ll Definitely Want to Get the iPhone 6
Featured Stories, Money, Technology
There are two kinds of people in the world: those who swear by iPhones and those who could care less. If you’re the second type, skip this article. But if your iPhone is the first thing you reach for in the morning, if you would rescue your…
20 Political Debates that Affect the Lives of Latinas
Money, News & Politics, Slider
There are many political issues and debate topics that affect us all, of course, but the lives of Latinas are especially impacted these days. We feel it’s important to keep you informed about issues that affect you and your family so that…