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Cultivate & Activate: 10 Tips on Helping Kids with Finding a Passion

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Whether you like it or not (and whether it’s coming from you or elsewhere), there is tremendous pressure on kids today for finding a passion—as early as possible. Part of that is only natural since we, as a species, tend to want to find…

Be a Do-Gooder: 20 Different Ways to Pay it Forward

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October 5 is Do Something Nice Day and we’re celebrating by being do-gooders. Why? Well to be honest, it feels good to be a do-gooder! There are physical and psychological benefits to spreading the love so we’re doing it wholeheartedly…

Foresight Queen: 15 Brilliant Ways to Preempt Holiday Stress

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According to the Society for Women’s Health Research (SWHR), “The Women's Complete Healthbook, published by the American Medical Women's Association (AMWA), explains that women are socialized to be caretakers. They are expected to assume…

Sodium on the Podium: 8 Awesome Uses for Basic Epsom Salts

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Magnesium sulfate is something most of us know as Epsom salt. Sorry to break it to you but it’s not salt at all. It’s actually a natural mineral compound found in (and named after) a spring at Epsom in Surrey, England. Magnesium and sulfate…

Hot Nomenclature: 20 New Latino Baby Names to Think About Now

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UPDATED August 1st, 2016 Naming your baby is no easy task. The pressure to find the perfect name can be overwhelming—especially if you have friends or family around who are unafraid to express their opinions of your choices. The good news…

Pal Up: 15 Surprising Ways to Be Your Kid’s Best Friend

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When you become a parent everything changes, and we're not just talking about your sleep schedule (or lack of) or your free time (as in, you now have none). Your role in the family changes too. Suddenly you become a protector, a teacher, a…

10 Ways to Freshen Up Your Old Living Room

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There is nothing like binge-watching HGTV to help foster insecurity about your own home decor. And with fall right around the corner—ushering in the holiday season—there’s even more pressure to make your living room picture perfect and…

Urban Parenting: 15 Life Lessons All Kids in Big Cities Must Know

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Growing up in a big city can be awesome. If you grew up in one you probably agree. And if you grew up in a small town, well, you probably agree too. In a big city you are surrounded by endless sources of entertainment, culture, stimulation…

Your Other Side: 15 Daily Exercises for a Strong & Sexy Back

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People often overlook the power of a strong and sexy back or the importance of back exercises. We blame celebrities walking around with their washboard abs, making it pretty hard for us to focus on anything but our waists. In fact, there is…