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How to Be Healthy and Fit On Days You Can’t Make it to the Gym

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Do you always ask yourself how to be healthy and fit—all the time? Staying in shape is a challenge even when you have easy access to a gym. When you don’t have the opportunity to hit the treadmill or break a sweat at your local boutique…

Start with Art: How to Love Yourself More Through Creativity

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In a perfect world you love yourself effortlessly. In this world everyone would accept who they are, what makes them unique and wonderful and would walk with confidence, embracing their unique qualities. But the sad reality is that loving…

Your Go-To Moves for Pre and Post Workout Stretching Exercises

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It’s hard enough to get motivated to exercise, and it’s certainly a challenge to find time to work out, but when you do, don’t overlook the pre and post-workout stretching exercises routine in an effort to save time and energy. Your…

8 Things You Can Do for More Spiritual Inspiration

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Spiritual inspiration is all around us, you just need to appreciate it when it comes along. Spirituality isn't necessarily about practicing a religion or filling your house with crystals and incense. Although it can be if that's what works…

Giving YOU: 10 Interesting Volunteer Opportunities to Try this Year

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Do you have a few spare minutes of your day to give to a good cause? There are tons of volunteer opportunities and organizations out there that need you, your time and your unique approach to getting the job done. Time and again we see how…

REM in ZEN: How to Sleep Better with 5 Easy Tips

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It seems like we're always on a quest for that magic formula that will tell us how to sleep better. In this increasingly non-stop world, everyone — children and adults — is having a harder and harder time getting a good night's sleep on…

8 Reasons to Teach Your Kids About the Power of Eye Contact

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Eye contact is one of the most powerful forms of nonverbal communication we humans have but sometimes it doesn't come as naturally to our children as we'd like. Beyond the expected amount of eye contact between you and your infant or toddler,…
The Meaning of Dreams Animal Dreams Explained-MainPhoto

The Meaning of Dreams : Animal Dreams Explained

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We humans have been trying to figure out the meaning of dreams since the beginning of time. Literally! Most of us are familiar with Sigmund Freud's psychological approach to dream analysis described in his iconic book, Interpretation of Dreams,…

Joy x 2: Tips on How to Mentally Prepare for Having Twins

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Double the pleasure, double the fun. Or so they say…while we understand that sentiment, we’re also willing to bet that if you are having twins, you’re experiencing double the anxiety and double the stress. Two babies! At once! That means…