Stop Feeling Sorry for Yourself: 8 Books that will Stamp Your Self-Pity Out
Empowerment, Health, Slider
A good book has the power to not just change your actions, but also change your attitude so that you can make big improvements to your life. So if are desperate to figure out how to stop feeling sorry for yourself (hey, it happens to the best…
Multi Task Master: 10 Productive Things to Do While Sitting in Traffic
Empowerment, Health, Slider
For many of us, sitting in traffic can be a real bummer that can put a major damper on an otherwise great day. More than that, traffic can suck up tons of potentially productive time when we might be able to multi task and make dents in our…
15 Popular Baby Names that Are Even More Cray-Cray than 'Saint'
Health, Parenting, Slider
The list of popular baby names seems to get crazier and crazier each year. Every parent wants to celebrate the uniqueness, individuality and majesty of their child and what better way to start than with a truly inventive baby name? We'll have…
Feeling Guilty? How to Give These Emotions a Swift Kick in the Butt
Empowerment, Health, Slider
With daily responsibilities of work, family and self-care, we often find ourselves feeling guilty, frustrated, over-stretched, and downright hard on ourselves for not accomplishing everything. Everyday pressures can make us imperfect people…
Goal Setting : How to Get the Heck Out of Your Own Way and Actually Grow!
Empowerment, Featured Stories, Health
New Year's resolutions are all about goal-setting, but how do you actually reach those goals once you've set them? That's the tricky part! And many times you are your own biggest obstacle. We're all guilty of self-sabotage from time to time…
How to Stop Procrastinating and Smash the Habit to Smithereens
Empowerment, Health, Slider
Raise your hand if you need to figure out how to stop procrastinating. As we kick off the New Year we all start with good intentions of creating changes in our lives, getting things done, setting (and accomplishing) goals, and making some…
10 Ways You Are Guilty of Rampant Self-Sabotage
Empowerment, Health, Slider
Are you guilty of self-sabotage? Do you find yourself creating an issue or a problem where there isn't any just because you’re afraid of failure or frightened? Perhaps internally you’re sending yourself a negative message, and although…
Fiber Viber: 10 Ways to Get More High-Fiber Foods into Your Diet
Diet & Nutrition, Featured Stories, Health
Do you eat enough high-fiber foods? Unfortunately, for most of us, the answer is no. At a July 12th symposium at IFT15: Where Science Feeds Innovation hosted by the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) in Chicago, Julie Miller Jones, Ph.D,…
Lighten Up: 10 Ways to Rethink Portion Sizes
Diet & Nutrition, Featured Stories, Health
Kick off your post-holiday diet by focusing on portion sizes rather than deprivation. For most of us, January is the unofficial start of weight-loss season but after indulging in so many sumptuous feasts and tasty treats for the past couple…