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What's a Pomelo Fruit and Why Should I Eat One?

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One reason you may never have heard of pomelo fruit (also known as shaddock, pummelo, pamplemousse or Chinese grapefruit) is because California-grown pomelos are only in season for a short time during the winter between December and February.…

Pregnancy Headphones Upgrade: The Fetal Sound System

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Pregnancy headphones have just been taken to a whole new level. Vaginal speakers are now a thing that you can buy for a little over $100. So say goodbye to BellyBuds and hello to Babypod! It's been referred to as a "musical tampon" because…

You Got This: 8 Ways to Think About How to be Disciplined

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The person who once said when there’s a will there’s a way knew the potency of human willpower. But when it comes to change, old habits can be hard to break, and it seems that we fail more often than we succeed. At its essence, when it…

10 Surprising Ways to Ignite a Positive Attitude

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Life happens and sometimes it seems impossible to maintain a positive attitude no matter how hard you try. And sometimes you just wake up on the wrong side of the bed. Whether your challenges are big or small, a bad attitude only makes everything…

Run Right: 8 Ways to Amp Your Proper Running Form

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Running is one of the most rewarding and most accessible forms of exercise, because you can do it any time, anywhere, with very little gear or equipment. Plus it’s a great chance to get outdoors, break a sweat and challenge your body. That…

Skin Conditions From Warts to Moles: How to Manage the Skin You're In

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Believe it or not, a 2013 study by the Mayo Clinic found that skin conditions were one of top reasons for doctor visits. Skin problems are extremely common and often extremely distressing since they're hard to hide and, sadly, they're a source…

Aggressive Driving: How to Wrangle Your Road Rage Once and For All

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Every motorist has either been guilty of aggressive driving or been the victim of it. Most of us have been on both sides of this dangerous, but ever more common, situation. Increasingly distracted drivers on increasingly congested roads are…

Power ON: How to Be Stronger and Never Come Across as Meek

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Everyone knows how to be stronger physically; the real trick is figuring out how to be mentally strong. First and foremost, you have to truly know, and believe in, yourself. Make the words of two of our greatest thinkers your mantra: No one…

Metabolism Boosters: How to Rev Up Your System Without Even Trying

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Metabolism boosters are essential for losing weight and keeping it off. In order to shed pounds, you've got to burn more calories than you eat. There's the obvious: exercise more and eat less. However, if you're strategic about how to speed…