
11 Reasons Why the Etch A Sketch is Still Awesome Today

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Yep, we said Etch A Sketch. Humble and entertaining, the classic Etch A Sketch debuted in 1960. Designed by a French electrician who sold his idea for $25,000, the Etch A Sketch is one of those toys that everyone owned. Along with the Hula…

15 Ways to Never Pay Full Price

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It’s confession time ladies…we never, and we mean never pay full price on anything. Seriously. This economy is too tight and we’re stretched too thin. That’s why it’s crucial to get creative and use all your available resources to…

The Death of the Skinny Jean! 10 New Cuts to Slip Into

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The heavens have opened, the angels sang and we are thanking our lucky stars because, ladies, the time has come. The death of the skinny jean may have finally arrived. We’re breathing a sigh of relief as we slither our way out of the constricting…

iAge: 14 Reasons Why the Elderly Should Have iPads or Tablets

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The elderly are often cautious when it comes to new technology. We understand that our generation has grown up in an ever-evolving technological climate but, for our parents and their parents, all this new stuff can be intimidating. That said,…

15 Guy Trends that Never Turned Us On

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Humorist Bess Kalb sums it up beautifully, “Many women say, ‘It's what's on the inside that counts.’ These women are liars.” While we don't agree with her 100%, there is some truth to the fact that we all—men and women alike—appreciate…

14 Tips on Properly Using the (Often Misused) Semicolon

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Poor semicolon. So misunderstood; so misused. Despite years of grammar classes we never know exactly when to use a semicolon, where to put it in a sentence or how exactly it’s supposed to be used. The comma we understand. It’s simple and…

Lady Rides: 10 Things Your Dream Car Says About Your Take on Life

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Women are not born with a minivan gene. They long for style, comfort and even speed, just as men do. In fact, left to our own automotive fantasies, we dream of cars without baby seats, smelly soccer gear and crushed cheerios dusting the cushions.…

Make it Pretty! The 15 Most Gorgeous Fruits & Veggies to Serve

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Who doesn't love a patio dinner party or long, lingering outdoor brunch during the summer? If your go-to dish is a fruit or veggie platter, good for you. Not only is it nutritious and wholesome, but produce also happens to be some of the most…

15 Ways You are Being Ripped Off While on Vacation

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Okay, so you’ve been planning all year for your summer vacation. You’ve saved your money, coordinated all the details, have your itinerary locked down and you’re ready to roll. Surely you and your family yearn to relax, recharge and…