Entries by Monica Rhor


Is Your Child Ready for Advanced Placement?

The good news: more Latino high school students are enrolling and succeeding in elite Advanced Placement courses. The bad news: many students—of all ethnicities and races—are walking into the rigorous, college-level classes unprepared for the workload and the demands of the program.In Advanced Placement classes, the pace is faster, material is more complex, and students […]


Latinos Bridging the Digital Divide

Gone are the days when the only supplies students needed were pens, pencils and paper, when doing a research paper meant a trip to the stacks of the local library, and a visual presentation meant poster board and glue sticks.Today, school work often means time behind a computer monitor. Google has replaced the card catalog […]


How Much Should You Trust Your Child’s Teacher?

Karina Quezada knows what can happen when a parent places too much trust in their child’s teacher. In her native Mexico, a teacher berated Quezada’s eldest son for writing with his left hand. Later, in Houston, another teacher used her son as the translator for his entire second-grade class. In both instances, Quezada only learned […]