Entries by Mamiverse Team

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Overstimulated: 10 Signs You Have One Too Many Tech Devices on Your Hands

Don’t deny it, like us, you’ve got a ton of gadgets at your fingertips at all times. From smartphones to tablets, PDAs to Kindles, iPods and fitness bands, and of course there’s the good old-fashioned laptops. With so many technological devices at our disposal, we’re becoming increasingly overwhelmed and distracted. Unfortunately, as great as our […]

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Do Stuff: 14 Reasons Why Finding Hobbies is Great for Your Relationship

A happy and successful relationship has many facets, which include finding hobbies. One of the things that makes a great relationship is maintaining a sense of individuality—each party contributing their uniqueness to the shared experience, thereby making it dynamic and fun. And an easy way to stay true to yourself while being committed to your […]

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15 Hilarious Expressions You Know Thanks to Your Latino Grandparents

September 7 is Grandparents Day and, as always, we’re celebrating! As a culture, Latinos value our grandparents and their hilarious Hispanic quotes. As Tony nominated actress, Olga Merediz tells the American Grandparents Association, “In this society they throw people away so quickly. In the Latino community, as a rule, we don’t do that. We don’t […]