

Let’s face it, in today’s manic world our kids are stressed. From constant connection to technology to the demands of school, children feel more pressure. At times, they seem to have a constant ‘buzz’ in their head, preventing them from concentrating or even hearing us when we talk to them. This is no way for our kids to live. We can’t imagine our childhoods without time to relax and recharge, so we’re putting our feet down and encouraging our kids to take a conscious time out.

One of the best ways to disconnect and de-stress is meditation. WebMd agrees, “The relaxation response [from meditation] helps decrease metabolism, lowers blood pressure, and improves heart rate, breathing, and brain waves.” The book Peaceful Piggy Meditation by Kerry Lee MacLean is a tool we could all use. She says, “Sometimes life seems like it’s all about hurrying—so many places to go! And sometimes it’s hard when things don’t go your way—it can make a piggy angry and sad. How do young piggies find a peaceful place in a busy world? They meditate!” And she’s right. Try making an effort as a family to decrease stress and encourage calmer, less aggressive behavior from everyone with meditation. In case you need more motivation, here are 15 reasons your kid should be meditating and why we should be encouraging mindfulness for children.

1. Relaxation
Meditation gives a child time and space to clear their mind and really relax. This is where creative juices flow, and kids get into their “zone.” This is also where they can start getting a taste of what it means to get grounded, or centered.

Read Related: 15 Reasons Meditation is as Important as the Gym