

UPDATED June 13th, 2018 

I’ve talked to women who have confided in me their stories about relationship disasters they were ashamed to confess they’d had. Oh, how I can relate! From my own experiences and from those of others, I’ve concluded that most of these stories of poor choices in men had little to do with love, and everything to do with our own low self-esteem. We might not have been ashamed at the time, but looking back at the relationship, we cringe. After the days of love and lust are over, we ask ourselves how we could ever have dated such a person. The key is to learn from our mistakes in order to find and appreciate the men who treat us right now and in the future.

I’ve been very lucky in love for the most part, and I’ve dated wonderful men. But I’ve also chosen my fair share of “real winners” who were in fact the biggest losers! These less than desirable men came at low points in my life. If we’re counting, there were three, and I like to keep the memories of them buried deep. But just for you, I’ll recount a bit of my past love-life.

Read Related: How to Spring Clean Your Relationships