20 Lies Addicts Tell & Keep on Telling Family Health, Health, Slider 2. I can quit on my own without outside help. Maybe so. But if you’ve tried before and failed, it’s time to get help. There’s no shame in wanting to quit and needing support to get there. Most people do. May 26, 2014/by Mamiverse Team https://mamiverse.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/20-Lies-that-Addicts-Cling-to-SliderPhoto.jpg 435 600 Mamiverse Team http://mamiverse.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/logosmallMamiverse-1.png Mamiverse Team2014-05-26 11:40:362016-07-15 14:40:1820 Lies Addicts Tell & Keep on Telling