

It’s confession time ladies…we never, and we mean never pay full price on anything. Seriously. This economy is too tight and we’re stretched too thin. That’s why it’s crucial to get creative and use all your available resources to get the very best deals, saving as much as you can on every single purchase, no matter how large or small it may be.

Professional bargain hunter and author Mark Ellwood tells USA Today, “A long time ago, getting a discount meant you were poor. Now you sit at dinner, and socialites are talking about the best sample sales.” We love being thrifty has become more accepted and mainstream. So we’re sharing our secrets for getting deals, from rebates to coupons, with 15 ways to save money.

1. Be Social
One of the coolest ways to save money just involves making friends with salespeople. Establishing a rapport with the sales staff is key when you’re looking to buy a larger ticket item. Once you’ve cracked a good joke or two and you’re feeling comfortable with them (and they with you!), you’re more likely to be able to negotiate a discount or find out about upcoming sales.

Read Related: Money Matters…But How Much?