MoneyEn marzo, los legisladores aprobaron la Ley CARES, que tenía la intención de proporcionar a los ciudadanos estadounidenses un paquete de estímulo para ayudar a superar los difíciles tiempos económicos derivados de la pandemia de Covid-19.…

MoneyIn March, legislators passed the CARES Act, which was intended to provide American citizens with a stimulus package to help push through the hard-economic times arising from the Covid-19 pandemic. The first stimulus package was designed to cushion…

Republicans Against Second Round of $1,200 Checks
MoneyRepublican lawmakers are against passing the second round of $1,200 checks. This news comes amid plans to initialize the final stage of coronavirus relief funds.
Republican Senators on Tuesday stated that their focus is on reforming…

7 Fun Things for the Whole Family in Tucson, AZ
Money, Ticker, Traveling
Are you sick of the long, cold winter? Are the kids going a bit stir crazy? Then come visit Tucson, Arizona. Right now the weather is great, with temperatures in the 60s and 70s, and the sun shines almost every day of the year.

Aqua Cycling, Water Exercises & Other Quirky Workouts to Try Now
Featured Stories, Fitness & Exercise, Health
UPDATED: July 31st, 2018
Water exercises are a fantastic way to get fit without sacrificing precious pool time this summer. Not only does adding an underwater element to your workout make exercising more fun, it's an excellent way for people…

Family Matters: 10 Things About Birth Order Traits that Will Surprise You
Family Health, Featured Stories, Health
UPDATED July 31st, 2018
Universal birth order traits aren't just mythology. Austrian psychiatrist Alfred Adler is considered the father of birth order psychology and his theories are the basis of just about all modern thinking on the subject.…

How to Make Infallible Pies with Foolproof Crusts
Desserts, Recipes, Slider
UPDATED: July 31st, 2018
The fastest way to someone’s heart is through his or her stomach, and since everyone loves a sweet treat, we’re thinking that perfect pies are the ticket to being the most popular guest at any party. And while…

The New Rules on Cut Off Jean Shorts: How to Wear them with Class
Fashion, Slider, Style
UPDATED: July 31st, 2018
Though regular length jeans are an easy wardrobe staple you can mix and match with anything, when it comes to wearing cut off jean shorts, if you’re no longer a lithe teenager, the rules become very different.…

No-Fear Ninja: How to Conquer Your Worst Phobias
Empowerment, Health, Slider
UPDATED July 31st, 2018
The interesting thing about fear and phobias is that so many people share the same ones. The top five are public speaking, death, spiders, the dark, and heights. We're guessing it won't be long before nomophobia…