

It happened. You scored the promotion you so richly deserve. You’ll celebrate over the weekend and then starting Monday…wait, what? Monday? You’ll need time to get ready for this. Take a breath. You’ve got this. Just in case, here’s a little primer on women as leaders to make you feel confident about being the boss.

Corporate America is known to be a cut-throat, male dominated segment of the workforce. According to a recent Business Insider piece, “At the lowest levels, more than half of the employees in organizations are female. As you move to each successively higher level in the organization, the number of women steadily shrinks. At the CEO level, worldwide, there are only 3% to 4% who are women.” However, when a woman does make it to the top tier, the company and it’s employees might actually be better for it. Here are 10 reasons why women make better bosses.

1. Women are Born Leaders
Women as leaders rock. Many women claim they have to work twice as hard as men to get noticed in their field, which means they have more opportunities to refine their skills. Women in power have typically had to work their way up through many jobs in the same industry, consequently they understand the entire business and the social dynamics that exist within each layer of the company. Thus, they’re better able to make decisions taking into account the trickle-down effect it will have.

Read Related: 20 Leadership Lessons for Young Women