

I suppose we are obligated here to mention that Levy isn’t perfect. His last relationship ended because he was allegedly unfaithful, which only lends credence to all those studies that say symmetrical men cheat more than lopsided ones. He was also accused of rape a while back by his personal assistant, but the accusations went nowhere and he sued her for $10 million for trying to extort money from him. Because Levy seems to be a nice, if womanizing, man and a good and loving father, and because there are women in this world who will say lots of crap about famous (and not so famous) men in order to extract something from them, I will say I believe him in this instance, that it was consensual sex he had with the accuser, albeit behind his last relationship’s back. Hey, I’m not saying I want to marry the guy. I think that would probably be a stupid move that would lead to massive heartache. I’m just saying that eye candy doesn’t come much sweeter than ese Cubanito with the chiseled body and perfect face.