

Plaid is also a big favorite, regardless of gender, dominating everything from dresses to jackets to button-down shirts. Hipsters LOVE their plaid. As far as glasses and shades, wayfarers are a safe bet, as are thick, plastic-framed glasses in every shape, size and color. And don’t forget your accessories; hipsters know there are multiple ways to tie a scarf and they rock that scarf with any outfit and in any weather. Beanie hats, converse and beat-up t-shirts with ironic quotes or mantras will also be a big part of your wardrobe.

So what’s next for the hipsters? Some people might argue that the hipster is a dying breed—being replaced by Yuccies (or young urban creatives if you have no clue what we are talking about)—but we beg to differ. Hipster is an evolving term, and this subculture isn’t going anywhere, it’s just changing with the times. If being a hipster means you are aware of exclusive trends before they become cool to the masses, then there will always be a hipster who is hipper than the rest of us.