

UPDATED June 2nd, 2018 

Healthy eating on vacation is always a challenge. Unfortunately once you’re derailed from your diet, it’s that much harder to get back on track. And if you think putting your diet on hold for a week or so won’t hurt anything, think again. Recent research has found that just five days of eating too much fat can have a far-reaching impact. Associate professor of human nutrition, foods, and exercise in the Virginia Tech College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Matt Hulver says, “There are plenty of times when we all eat fatty foods for a few days, be it the holidays, vacations, or other celebrations. But this research shows that those high-fat diets can change a person’s normal metabolism in a very short timeframe.”

There’s no question that eating healthy is always a challenge when you’re on vacation. Between eating out for every meal, the fact that you’re more likely to snack when you’re not on a regular meal schedule and you’re on vacation. Who wants to worry about counting calories when they’re busy relaxing and sight-seeing?