Top 5 Breast Pumps-MainPhoto

What-to-Name-Your-Latino-Baby-MainPhotoMEDELA HARMONY MANUAL BREAST PUMP
Claim: The Medela Harmony Manual Breast Pump ($40) mimics your baby’s nursing motion by featuring two modes: Let-Down (imitating baby’s initial rapid suckling) and Expression (deeper, maximum suckling). The pump also includes one breastshield, two containers with lids and a bottle stand.

Bottom Line: This pump was given to me at the hospital. The slowest mode is perfect for first time mothers who have absolutely no clue how to start breastfeeding. It was easy to use but unfortunately, after a while, your hands are bound to get tired. It’s affordable and useful. I recommend it for mamis on-the-go, as it’s discreet to use and cleans in a breeze.
Rating: 4.3/5