If the Oscar Went to Moms-MainPhoto

If the Oscar Went to Moms-MainPhoto

The Oscars are coming up on March 2, and millions will tune in to see which actors win awards for their big-screen performances. Yet every day, we moms have to do a lot of acting, pretending and exaggerating in our lives, when we engage with both kids and adults. In fact, some of our theatrics are Academy Award-caliber performances. So if the Oscar went to moms, here are some best-actress-worthy performances. And the nominees (or is it mominees?) are:

This Tastes Great Mom. Without wincing or gagging, she will eat whatever concoction her child has cooked up “just for Mommy” and pretend it is delicious.

Read Related: How to Throw an Award-Winning Oscar Party

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You Look Beautiful Mom. Without laughing or racing for wet wipes, she admires her child’s skills at applying makeup.

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Doctor Mom. She applies bandages, gives doses of medicine and kisses boo-boos, all the while assuring her child that the patient will make a full recovery.

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The My Kid’s a Genius Mom. She accepts that her child is the next Picasso, regardless of the child’s innate artistic talent.

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The Stage Mother Mom. She cheers her kid on tirelessly at every single dance recital, even when she’s bored stiff.

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The Rock Star Mom. She never discourages her child’s musical aspirations, even when he wants to play the drums in a rock band.

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The Tolerant Mom. She puts up with her neighbor’s devil child, even when she’d rather send her home with a spanking.

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The No-Nausea Mom. Bring her your most offensive, smelly, saggy and soaked dirty diaper. She’s seen it all, and nothing can trip her gag reflex.