

Updated May 2nd, 2018

Winter has finally come and gone (and let us all say, AMEN) and the freedom of summer is so close we can almost feel the fresh air and humidity. Spring is here and as the weather improves—and so does your mood—there is no better time to pack up the old and make room for the new…clothes. And that starts with good old fashioned closet organization. Layers of wool are out and lightweight frocks are in, but before you can rock your new spring clothes, you need to find somewhere to put them. It’s time to flip your closet, and you better do it now, before summer strikes and you start to overheat and develop a love-hate relationship with your tank tops and shorts.

We all know how exciting it is to dive into spring cleaning—-simply moving your clothes around can make it feel like you have an entire new wardrobe in a matter of minutes. And there is no denying that it is important for the sake of your home and your mental well being to regularly tidy up your belongings. Experts agree that a cluttered home can lead to stress, can distract you, prevent you from being productive and can induce feelings of guilt, embarrassment and frustration. As Psychology Today reports, according to psychologist Sherrie Bourg Carter, Psy.D., “clutter can play a significant role in how we feel about our homes, our workplaces, and ourselves. Messy homes and work spaces leave us feeling anxious, helpless, and overwhelmed.”

So the question isn’t whether or not you should do some spring-cleaning, the question is how do you go about it. Before you closet organization it’s important you do a little planning. Think of it as a spring-cleaning strategy session. Start by contemplating what you wore this past season. That old sweater that was too expensive but you bought it anyway? Did you actually wear it, or just admire it from afar? If you didn’t wear an item of clothing at least once in the last year, get rid of it. Don’t hold on to items just because you think they serve a purpose in your wardrobe. If you aren’t using them, give them away to someone who might. And if an item has sentimental value, set it aside so that it doesn’t get lost in the mess of your everyday clothes.

Read Related: Advanced Spring Cleaning: 15 New Ways to Refresh Your Whole Life Right Now