

  1. Help them understand they can’t get everything they want.
    You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find, you get what you need…damn, the Rolling Stones really know what’s up. A great classic rock song and an even greater lesson; teach your kids that just because they want something, or they think they want something, does not mean they will get it. Make sure they understand that while they might experience some disappointment, at the end of the day they can be happy if they acknowledge what they need and appreciate what they have.
  1. Teach them about money.
    And we don’t mean just explaining how many cents are in a dollar or where money is made. Talk about the value of money, how it is used, how it’s earned and how much it costs to buy them something they want. Then teach them the value of a dollar by giving them some when they help out around the house. Teach them how to save their money and then work together to decide how and when to spend what they earn. There are many websites like Bodeeo, and other online tools out there to get you started.