

Are Deep, Meaningful Friendships a Thing of the Past?

Sometimes I wonder if true, deep, and meaningful friendships are of a bygone era. A neighbor of mine called on New Year’s Eve to wish us well. When I asked her plans for the evening, she said she and her husband were having dinner and martinis…

How to Take Care of Yourself During the Holidays

I am going to tell you how to take care of you during the holidays! Why? Because, I am nothing if not predictable. Every year, as the holiday season's busy schedule fires up, I resort to the same tactic for finding more time to get it…

At-Home Plastic Surgery Horror Stories: Why Latinas are at Risk

A woman walks into a supposed cosmetic surgeon's office with a flat derriere, walks out with a new one inflated with the tire mender Fix-A-Flat and her open wounds sealed up with Super Glue. Think you're reading horror fiction? Nope, it's…

Busting the Santa Claus Myth

Should you bust the Santa Claus myth with your kids? It was the early eighties. I was in first grade, sitting on a school bus on a class trip, reading a book. The bus pulled to a stop at a traffic light, and one of my classmates looked…

Why Not all Latinas are Envious

No, not all Latinas are envious, and here's why. It all began with a phone call. My wonderful TV agent, Cindy Mintz of Abrams Artists Agency, wanted to let me know that actress Sara Ramirez had inquired about a meeting with me. My jaw dropped.…

Self-Care: Why It Matters and How I Learned My Lesson

Quick. Think of the last time you did something to truly nurture yourself. Struggling to come up with the date? You are not alone. Most of us suffer from chronic self-neglect. In our busy lives, it always feels like something's gotta give…

Gloria Rodriguez: You are More Than Good Enough

You areMore than Good Enough, says Gloria Rodriguez to the women who attend her empowerment seminars and workshops. It's also the title of her first book, which tells of her own journey towards self-acceptance and fulfillment. Gloria is an…

When Mami Gets Older: Caring For Our Latino Elders

The rich cultural heritage of Latinos includes a sense of responsibility and commitment to care for our elders. However, with both spouses working and having to take care of the children, there is not much time and energy left to nurse an…

Maria Hinojosa Discusses Immigration

In the her new documentary “Lost in Detention,” Frontline correspondent Maria Hinojosa takes a penetrating look at the harsh world of immigration detention and the Obama administration’s enforcement policies. Mamiverse caught up with…