Social media related articles



Celeb Twitter Gods

Twitter has proven increasingly powerful in its ability to move opinions, products, and even votes. Those in the know use Twitter to stay current, dictate trends, follow a sporting event, even throw a Twitter party with fellow like-minded Twitterati.…

Is Techno Bigotry Real?

Nothing is more discouraging than the state of diversity in Sillicon Valley. As a portion of the country speeds up with the latest iPad and gets richer off of Facebook going public, the majority of minorities in America find themselves left…

Hispanicize Founder, Blogger, PR Pro and Mom: Angela Sustaita-Ruiz

Angela Sustaita-Ruiz is a woman who knows how to juggle. The Texas native of Mexican descent is the mother of three, and is expecting another child this summer. But in addition to being a mom, Angela is also the co-founder of Latina Mom…

Fifty ‘80s Glam Rock Lyrics to Change Your Life

UPDATED August 1st, 2016 I was fifteen and somewhat chubby, my Latina pubescence at its peak, my bangs in total defiance of gravity, and I had a face-full of cystic acne—but nothing could keep me down. I stood among the muck and grime…

Taking Back Our #Latina Hashtag!

If you’ve ever done a Google image search for the word Latina, you’ve encountered it—pornographic photos, T and A, and more. And no, we’re not talking Jennifer Lopez’s “wardrobe malfunction” at the Oscars or her V magazine cover…

The New Online Latina Mom

Online Latina Moms are quite comfortable with technology (owning laptops, smart phones and tablet computers) in big numbers. When they go online they prefer to get information via articles, are interested in a Latina point of view, and are on…

SOPA. PIPA. What's at Stake? MUCHO

What's the big deal, you say? Sopa is delicioso and cute babies have pipas. So how bad can two little Internet laws be? Well, in Washington, D.C., SOPA stands for the Stop Online Piracy Act, a bill that the House of Representatives is voting…

How to Manage Your Social Media Accounts

Managing all your social media accounts can seem daunting, but there's a way to do it easily! It can be overwhelming when you have dozens of conversations going on at the same time on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and any other social media…

Ana L. Flores of SpanglishBaby; A Power Latina

Ana L. Flores worked in the television industry for over 15 years, as producer and creator of content, specializing in the Latino community. The co-founder of SpanglishBaby, the online community for those of us who are raising bicultural children,…