
Feline Philosophy: 8 Cat Facts & Lessons You Can Only Learn from a Kitty
Life, Opinions, Slider
UPDATED May 30th, 2018
There are tons of sources of inspiration and information in your daily life; you learn from the people you interact with, from your surroundings, and you learn from both your failures and your successes. But what…

The 8 Most Bizarre Pets Ever
Entertainment, Life, Pets, Ticker
UPDATED March 26th, 2018
The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), established on April 10, 1866, has had an incredible impact on our society, changing people's views about the way in which animals should be treated.…

Paws to Think: 14 Reasons Why It’s Time for Your Family to Get a Dog
Featured Stories, Health, Parenting, Pets
UPDATED February 27th, 2018
Say your little Jimmy has been begging for a dog for months. Maybe Sally gets all worked up every time she passes that pet store in town. October is Adopt a Shelter Dog Month, and if you’re toying with the idea…

15 Foods to Keep Away From Your Dog
Family Health, Health, Pets, Slider
UPDATED February 22th, 2018
We’re all guilty of it—slipping table scraps and unsavory leftovers to the dog after we’re done with our meal. You know you do it to from time to time, too, even if you’re adamant with your kids about not…

15 Reasons Why Women Love Horses
Entertainment, Life, Pets
UPDATED February 22th, 2018
Jane Smiley once said, “I discovered that the horse is life itself, a metaphor but also an example of life's mystery and unpredictability, of life's generosity and beauty, a worthy object of repeated and ever…

Questions to Help You Pick the Perfect Family Pet
Family Health, Health, Pets
UPDATED January 12th, 2018
Your kids have been begging for a cat, dog, goldfish, snake or gerbil. You’ve been dodging the issue for months but finally cave to pressure and are considering a non-human addition to the family. The right…

20 Cat Virtues that Dog People Should Know
Entertainment, Life, Pets, Slider
UPDATED Januery 12th, 2018
Are you one of those people who internally cringes every time your friend’s cat wriggles past your legs at a dinner party? Maybe it’s time to pay heed to the words of the great Sigmund Freud: Time spent with…

Breed Browsing: How to Choose Kinds of Dog for Your Family
Entertainment, Featured Stories, Life
UPDATED November 16th, 2017
Puppy love, it’s a real thing, and we’re not talking about the early days of a budding romance. We’re talking about all kinds of dogs, and the intense obsession you’re about to have with your furry friend.…

15 New Ways to Photograph Your Family Pet
Health, Shutterfly Living
UPDATED November 14th, 2017
When it comes to pet portraits, it's hard to take a bad one but there's a lot of competition out there on social media. Of course the portrait is mainly for your family to enjoy and share with relatives and close…