School, College, Teaching



15 Reasons You Should Consider Online Education for Your Kids

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Once upon time we chose schools based on things like proximity, secular versus religious studies, and whether or not we preferred private or public schools for our kids. Well the Internet has changed all that. Back in the day, educating your…

10 Ways to Get Your Kid Amped About Reading

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There’s no getting around the reality that everything is becoming more hi-tech. When was the last time you picked up a book, anyway? In these computer-driven times, we worry that our kids will be limited to reading text messages and social…

The Brain Train: 15 Apps that Sharpen Your Mind

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We’ve all heard it before: the mind is a terrible thing to waste, right? Well, we’d like to take it a step further and say, not only should we not waste it, but we should also do our very best to make sure our brain fitness is as tight…

15 Ways to Help Your Kid Rock it this School Year

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School culture has become increasingly competitive over recent years. Everyone wants to make sure that his or her child comes out on top, and the kids are invested too. We, of course, want our kids to live up to their full potential but we’re…

15 Signs Your Child May Have ADHD

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As many as one in ten children are diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in the U.S. each year. Behavioral problems associated with ADHD include inattention, hyperactivity and impulsiveness. Children can begin exhibiting…

10 Alternative Education Approaches You Should Consider

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Fact: we all have different ways of learning. From childhood education in the classroom setting to on-the-job training as an adult, we all have strengths, weaknesses and an individual style when it comes to fully comprehending new information…

8 Ways to Ease Your Kids Into a Back-to-School Mindset

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Ugh, change. No one is good at it, and few of us like it. And the transition from summer vacation back to school can be particularly shocking for kids and parents alike. After weeks of free time and flexible schedules, no homework and fluctuating…
11 Ways to Get your Child Excited about Summer School-SliderPhoto

11 Ways to Get Your Child Excited About Summer School

For kids, summer usually means all fun and no school for three months! However some students need to put in a little extra time and effort during the summer in order to reach their full potential in the coming school year. It’s tempting…

20 Summer Activities that Keep Kids Learning

During the summer months, it can be tough to keep those young minds stimulated and active. If you don’t, though, fall back-to-school will be a hard transition for your children. Studies show that keeping our brains active and learning is…