COSMO-5 Latina Skin-Care Secrets-SliderPhoto

COSMO-5 Latina Skin-Care Secrets-MainPhoto

COSMO Latina Logo-ReducedThere’s a reason so many brands are marketing products specifically to Latinas. Our skin is more prone to certain issues and need customized routines to keep it looking its best. Here are five things to keep in mind before you start slathering random things on your face.

1. The Problem: We’re more prone to acne.
Because our skin is more likely to be oily, we’re prone to acne and blemishes. The worst part about this is that it can last well past our teenage years.
How to Fight It: Try Kate Somerville’s EradiKate Acne Treatment, $22. Read more about how to treat acne here.

Read Related: Skin Is In: Doctors’ Solutions for Taking Care of Yours

2. The Problem: We’re more prone to hyperpigmentation (i.e. manchas).
While many dermatologists have told us they can’t seem to figure out why Latinos get dark spots at such high rates, studies have shown that products with Vitamin C help even out skin tone.
How to Fight It: Try Red Door Spa Illuminating Vitamin C Activator, $110.

Read the full article on Cosmopolitan for Latinas.