The New Navidad: 7 Ways to Improve Your Family’s Holiday Card

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UPDATED December 1st, 2016 Many people think that a family holiday card is an essential part of the festive season, and they’re not alone. explains this holiday tradition began in 1843 “when Sir Henry Cole and John Horsley…

Holiday Hangover Helper Menudo Recipe

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UPDATED December 1st, 2016 Menudo is a dish known to cure the worst hangover. I know many people that will not touch the stuff with a ten foot pole, and then I know the same amount of folks who live and die by it.  I join the ranks of…

How to Prime your SO for the Best Engagement Rings

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UPDATED December 1st, 2016 Ah the joy of romance, courtships and engagement rings…you meet, you fall head-over-heels, butt-crazy in love and suddenly you start to see yourself marrying this person and spending you lives together. The logical…

Picture This: 10 DIY Holiday Gifts that Involve Your Favorite Photographs

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UPDATED December 1st, 2016 Handmade gifts are the best because they're so unique and personal. Incorporating your favorite photos into a handmade gift give it an even more personal touch. And when you aren't sure exactly what to make, let…

How Not to Ruin Christmas This Year

UPDATED December 1st, 2016 No one thinks they are going to ruin Christmas, right? As soon as the first Christmas decorations come out, and the very moment that the festive tunes start playing on the radio, you start to gear up for the impending…

Thanksgiving Dinner Portion Planner: How Much Is Really Enough

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Ensuring you have enough of everyone's favorites for Thanksgiving dinner can be a challenge but the Food Network Thanksgiving planner makes it a breeze. Using this simple guide takes the guesswork out of portion sizes, which makes planning…

For Thanksgiving: 5 Lessons on Gratitude from My Mexican Parents

When it came to gratitude, my siblings and I learned from an early age that there was nothing worse than being ungrateful. We might not have understood exactly why, but my parents always told us that being malagradecidos was shameful. And…

Pumpkin Spice Doctor: 8 Real Health Benefits Of Fall’s Hottest Flavor

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Pumpkin Spice is hard to escape in the fall. At your favorite restaurant, pumpkin spice the ravioli of the day. At your local coffee shop, pumpkin spice is in fall’s featured latte. At the bagel shop, yep, it’s there too. And at your supermarket…it’s…

Love’s Deal-Breakers: 12 Things You Should NEVER Tolerate in Your Relationship

No relationship is perfect, but there are definitely some things that should never be tolerated. Having standards for what you will and will not tolerate in a relationship doesn’t mean you are self-centered, it means you respect yourself…