
Fun Craft Projects for Kids

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up. —Pablo Picasso 400 guests. More gifts than we could fit in our car. Dollar dance money bulging from the silky drawstring bag. All of it is a blur.…

I'm Not the Nanny, Says This Latina Mom

We were at a Manhattan water park when it happened. I was with my then 3-year-old daughter, Luna, playing in a sandpit on a foul, chilly morning beneath clouds that looked like ripped paper. It was no day to be outside, but living in a city…

Learning from a Child With Dyslexia

Curly-headed, with big, expressive brown eyes, Amelia was a late-in-life baby, an only child who, in the opinion of her adoring parents, was destined for greatness. When she began Pre-K, my husband and I had big dreams that her little school…
Back to School Tips from Teachers-MainPhoto

Back to School Tips from Teachers

The start of the school year brings a flurry of activity and, often, a wave of anxiety. Along with the latest clothes, the fresh supplies, and the promise of a blank slate, there is also an undercurrent of worry—for both parents and students. Worry…

Tips to Empower Your Daughter

When one comes from a culture of kids being seen and not heard, it's important to empower your daughter through words and actions. Validating her voice. Children are meant to be seen and not heard. Not now, honey, Mami’s talking. Oh…

Illustrating Go the F**k To Sleep

Once upon a time parents simply swallowed their discontent when it came to whiny kids who didn’t want to go to sleep. We lived in a land where, on any given night, mom and dad displayed more patience than Gandhi; never a single bleepable…

Is Your Child Ready for Advanced Placement?

The good news: more Latino high school students are enrolling and succeeding in elite Advanced Placement courses. The bad news: many students—of all ethnicities and races—are walking into the rigorous, college-level classes unprepared…

Q&A: Award-Winning Author Esmeralda Santiago

Esmeralda Santiago, author of best-selling memoir When I was Puerto Rican, and numerous other titles (Almost A Woman and The Turkish Lover) has a new, historical novel hitting bookstores this week. Conquistadora (Alfred A. Knopf), an epic…
Lessons in Back-To-School Shopping-MainPhoto

How to Keep Your Back To School Spending in Check

It’s that time of year again. The time retailers (and our bank accounts) know that we’re gearing up to spend in droves. Back-to-school shopping is second only to the December holidays when it comes to spending. We are set to throw down…