
Best Eco-Friendly Beauty Products!

There’s nothing like a record heat wave to remind us we should be kind to Mother Earth. Fortunately, the lavish and ever-expanding list of socially conscious beauty brands makes living eco-friendly and cruelty-free a treat from head-to-toe!. Surya…

7 Homeschool Survival Tips For Busy Moms

When you are a mami, being organized is helpful. When you are a homeschooling mami, then being organized is mandatory. I’d like to say that I’ve really got it all together and that every day runs smoothly. But I don’t like to lie.…

Are Parents Always the Best Role Models?

Last October, my colleague sat with a boy of 16 and his mother for a required parent-teacher conference. The boy had failed his first quarter and was presently failing the second. When my colleague broke this news to the boy’s mother, she…

The Library: The Best Place to Entertain Your Kid in Summer

If you’re running out of ideas to entertain your children this summer, don’t overlook the city library. Your local branch provides the perfect opportunity to help your child keep up with summer learning—and it’s air-conditioned, a…

Great Summer Salads with Greens

Our love affair is approaching the three-year mark. It started when I fell deeply in love with Kale. But soon, I was seeing Bok Choy. Then Tatsoi, Mustard and Dandelion greens. Then came Escarole, Broccoli Rabe, and Swiss Chard. Followed by…

Illustrating Go the F**k To Sleep

Once upon a time parents simply swallowed their discontent when it came to whiny kids who didn’t want to go to sleep. We lived in a land where, on any given night, mom and dad displayed more patience than Gandhi; never a single bleepable…

Is Your Child Ready for Advanced Placement?

The good news: more Latino high school students are enrolling and succeeding in elite Advanced Placement courses. The bad news: many students—of all ethnicities and races—are walking into the rigorous, college-level classes unprepared…

Q&A: Award-Winning Author Esmeralda Santiago

Esmeralda Santiago, author of best-selling memoir When I was Puerto Rican, and numerous other titles (Almost A Woman and The Turkish Lover) has a new, historical novel hitting bookstores this week. Conquistadora (Alfred A. Knopf), an epic…
Lessons in Back-To-School Shopping-MainPhoto

How to Keep Your Back To School Spending in Check

It’s that time of year again. The time retailers (and our bank accounts) know that we’re gearing up to spend in droves. Back-to-school shopping is second only to the December holidays when it comes to spending. We are set to throw down…