
Skin Conditions From Warts to Moles: How to Manage the Skin You're In

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Believe it or not, a 2013 study by the Mayo Clinic found that skin conditions were one of top reasons for doctor visits. Skin problems are extremely common and often extremely distressing since they're hard to hide and, sadly, they're a source…

Aggressive Driving: How to Wrangle Your Road Rage Once and For All

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Every motorist has either been guilty of aggressive driving or been the victim of it. Most of us have been on both sides of this dangerous, but ever more common, situation. Increasingly distracted drivers on increasingly congested roads are…

Power ON: How to Be Stronger and Never Come Across as Meek

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Everyone knows how to be stronger physically; the real trick is figuring out how to be mentally strong. First and foremost, you have to truly know, and believe in, yourself. Make the words of two of our greatest thinkers your mantra: No one…

Metabolism Boosters: How to Rev Up Your System Without Even Trying

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Metabolism boosters are essential for losing weight and keeping it off. In order to shed pounds, you've got to burn more calories than you eat. There's the obvious: exercise more and eat less. However, if you're strategic about how to speed…

Stop Feeling Sorry for Yourself: 8 Books that will Stamp Your Self-Pity Out

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A good book has the power to not just change your actions, but also change your attitude so that you can make big improvements to your life. So if are desperate to figure out how to stop feeling sorry for yourself (hey, it happens to the best…

The Sassy Cassy: 10 Easy Casserole Recipes You'll Make All Winter Long

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Easy casserole recipes are the staple of every mom's menu. You get a whole meal in one package and they can put together ahead of time or reheated for a last-minute dinner for the whole family. When you've got more leftovers than you know…

Multi Task Master: 10 Productive Things to Do While Sitting in Traffic

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For many of us, sitting in traffic can be a real bummer that can put a major damper on an otherwise great day. More than that, traffic can suck up tons of potentially productive time when we might be able to multi task and make dents in our…

6 Reasons Oaxacan Food is Mexico’s Culinary Star

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When it comes to Mexican cuisine, and all the delicious flavors that make our taste buds happy, we have Oaxacan food to thank for the unique dishes and spices that give Mexican cuisine its life. That’s because this state in the Southern…

7 Things we Love About the Latinos on Empire

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Of all the TV shows that we spend quality couch time with, Empire has to be one of the most entertaining and definitely has the most entertaining cast. Pretty much every word out of Cookie’s mouth makes us laugh, and even if the music wasn’t…