10. Get a good night’s sleep.
How to Succeed? Get More Sleep by Arianna Huffington
Editor-in-Chief of the Huffington Post, Arianna Huffington argues that under-eye circles are more than unsightly, they are a signal we are taking our Type A personalities too far. Huffington believes that a good night’s sleep does more to stimulate intellectual growth and productivity in the workplace than hours of hard work and she encourages people—women in particular—to sleep more.
11. Find your flow.
Flow, the Secret to Happinessby Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
In another one of the best TED Talks ever, psychologist, author and director of the Quality of Life Research Center, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi discusses what makes life worth living. He encourages people to find activities that help them find their “flow” or state of focus and seamless action.
12. There’s an app for that.
A 12-Year-Old App Developer by Thomas Suarez
In a speech that surely made the adult audience feel like a gaggle of idiots, Thomas Suarez discusses his love of technology, the process of creating his own game, and how he works to help students his own age turn their ideas into realities.