Should Proof of Citizenship Be Required to Vote?
Money, News & Politics
Kansas and Arizona are suing the federal government over the feds’ refusal to allow those two states to institute voter ID laws that conflict with federal law. The lawsuit asks the federal government to modify its voter registration form…
Digital Resources to Help Organize Your Job Search
Money, Work
It's time to stop the summer fun, the parties and nightlife. Summer's over after all, and you still don’t have a full-time job. Cada mochuelo a su olivo!
If you've struck out looking for meaningful work over the last few months, it's time…
Samsung ChromeBook Review
Money, Technology
Remember when kids didn’t really need their own computers? They could use our desktop for the occasional paper or research, or to play a game. But as more and more of us use our laptops for virtually everything, we find it hard to turn them…
Apps to Help You Read, Write and Speak English Better!
Money, Technology
The accuracy of a person's spelling and grammar may help to predict her career success, according to a recent study by Grammarly, the world's leading writing enhancement app. Unfortunately, this puts English language learners (ELLs) and non-native…
7 Tips for the Best Family Staycation
Money, Traveling
Not everyone can take a summer vacation with the family. And even if you can, there’s still those other hot months to be weathered, at home. To help you make it through the rest of the summer season and even the fall, we've put together…
Why You Should Insure Your Kid's Tech Gadgets!
Money, Technology
Blood rushing to your head. You’re not sure whether to cry, scream or do both. But no matter what you do it’s not going to fix it. If you’ve ever broken, lost or had one of you or your tween’s tech gadgets stolen, you know what…
3 Things Every Woman Should Know About Herself & Her Money
Dollars and Sense, Money
If you’re a woman, chances are good that in the years ahead, it will be you and you alone who’s responsible for managing your money. That could be a problem: Even among the very affluent, many women admit they know little to nothing about…
Tips to Avoid Unemployment
Money, Work
The Latino unemployment went up once again, hitting 9.4 percent, significantly higher than the national average. As scary as that number may look, there are steps to take to make sure you don't become a part of that statistic. While these…
Smart Tips for Professional Attire
Money, Work
Our curves are a major source of pride, but can they also be a hindrance particularly when it comes to office attire? Remember the case of Deboralee Lorenzana---the Puerto Rican born banker alleges she was deemed “too sexy” by her employers…