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Retirement Plans for Freelancers & the Self-Employed-MainPhoto

Retirement Plans for Freelancers & the Self-Employed

If you’re a freelancer, an independent contractor, a sole proprietor, an independent consultant, or self-employed in any other way, saving for retirement plans can be a challenge. Since you don’t have an employer to motivate you, or match…
Tax Breaks for Parents-NFO

Tax Breaks for Parents

Diapers, clothes, food, toys, braces, college...raising a child can cost a small fortune. So it’s important to take advantage of every opportunity to save money come tax time. Here’s a list of tax breaks every parent should know about. Dependency…
Couponing Tips For Busy Moms -MainPhoto

Couponing Tips For Busy Moms

I am not  ashamed of my mad coupling skills and I'm willing to share my coupling tips with you. The fact of the matter is that I have only a few simple principles that help me save 30 to 60 percent on my grocery bill every single time I shop…
Why You Need a Marital Agreement-MainPhoto

Why You Need a Marital Agreement

Contrary to common belief, prenuptial agreements (aka premarital agreements) are not just for wealthy tycoons and celebrities deemed most likely to divorce. While legal agreements of this type are commonly used to protect the assets of a wealthy…
7 Tips on Managing Money & Relationships

7 Tips for Managing Money & Relationships

Carmen Wong Ulrich is President and Co-Founder of ALTA Wealth Management, an independent financial planning firm that advises clients on financial issues and growing wealth. She is nationally recognized for her frank advice on money matters…
Save $200 a Month on Fun Family Entertainment

Save $200 a Month on Fun Family Entertainment

Yes, you can save $200 a month on family entertainment. Here's how: Billy Joel sang, “Honesty is such a lonely word.” And let’s be honest, as trendy as it is, extreme couponing is NOT for everyone. “Why,” you may ask? It’s…
Tips to Break Your Bad Spending Habits-MainPhoto

Busy Moms: Tips to Break Your Bad Spending Habits!

Are your bad spending habits breaking your bank? You're not alone. Many busy moms share these mistakes. Time and money: the two commodities we never seem to have enough of. While we can’t help you with your time dilemma, we can help you…
Estate Planning Basics for Blended Families-SliderPhoto

Estate Planning Basics for Blended Families

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With the high incidence of divorce, remarriage and children born outside of marriage, the “new normal” is being part of a blended family. Hopefully all the family members are important and loving parts of the new family and they are treated…
Estate Planning for Young Couples-MainPhoto

Estate Planning for Young Couples

Many young couples just starting out may have recently purchased their first home or had their first child. But apart from some home equity, a retirement account at work and a life insurance policy, they don’t have a lot of assets or investments.…