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Beware of Black Friday!-SliderPhoto

Beware of Black Friday!

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Black Friday. It’s the most anticipated shopping day of the year and the unofficial beginning of the Christmas shopping season. It’s a day when many excited shoppers line up at their favorite stores in the wee hours of the morning, hoping…
Life insurance mothers

How Much Life Insurance Should a Mother Have?

Life insurance isn´t just for dads, mothers should have it too! Traditionally, the male half of the couple has been the primary income earner, and the one primarily responsible for tending to the financial matters of the family. All…
How much to tip during the holidays

Holiday Tipping: Who To Tip and How Much Cash?

Holiday tipping is customary, but how much and to whom? With the recession still looming, it's even harder to just give money away. But remember that these people provide their invaluable service to us year-round—from the dogwalker to…
Financial New Year Resolutions Mothers

7 Financial New Year’s Resolutions Moms Should Make

Financial New Year’s resolutions are vital for a mother. After all if your finances are in order, you will sleep better at night and have more energy to devote to your children during the day. Following is a list of financial resolutions…
Medicaid Expansion Infographic-SliderPhoto

Medicaid Expansion Under Obamacare

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As Obamacare starts to be implemented nationally, 23 states have signed on for Medicaid expansion, a key provision of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Medicaid expansion will allow more than 8 million low income to gain access to affordable health…
10 Factors that Affect Your Mortgage Rate-SliderPhoto

10 Factors that Affect Your Mortgage Rate

You can’t turn on your television, surf the Web, open your mail or read a newspaper without being bombarded with mortgage rate advertising. But who or what sets those rates? Is it the Fed? Individual lenders? Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? Read…
Should You Tie Your Kid's Allowance to Chores?-MainPhoto

Should You Tie Your Kids’ Allowance to Chores?

“It’s your turn to take out the garbage.” “Those dishes aren’t going to do themselves.” “Clean your room, or no computer time for you.” You’ve tried cajoling, or the threat of punishment, or even a good old-fashioned guilt…
How Women Approach Money Differently, and Why it Works-MainPhoto

How Women Approach Money Differently, and Why it Works

Most women would rather have a root canal than talk about money with a professional. Intense and often complicated feelings surround our relationship with money. Shame, guilt, anger, inadequacy, grief and confusion can cloud decision-making,…
3 Things Every Woman Should Know About Herself & Her Money-SliderPhoto

3 Things Every Woman Should Know
 About Herself & Her Money

If you’re a woman, chances are good that in the years ahead, it will be you and you alone who’s responsible for managing your money. That could be a problem: Even among the very affluent, many women admit they know little to nothing about…