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5 Financial Myths You Shouldn’t Buy Into-MainPhoto

5 Financial Myths Busted

Most of us have bought into certain financial myths that we are about to bust for you! 1. A penny saved is a penny earned. Benjamin Franklin may have been spot-on back when he originally voiced those words, but today that certainly…
3 Things You Should Do Now to Raise Your Credit Score-MainPhoto

3 Things You Should Do Now to Raise Your Credit Score

Your credit history is almost as permanent as a tattoo—or maybe more so, as tattoos can be removed and credit histories can’t! Your credit history is a record of your debt, including mortgages, car loans, credit cards and other forms of…
How to Save $2,000 on Your Electric Bill-Feature

How to Save $2,000 on Your Electric Bill

If your electric bill has gone up, you are not alone. Data shows that energy use—and costs—having increased over the past decade. So if you’re trying to cut corners and save some money, start by looking at your home, which could be having…
Are You Afraid to Be Rich? Overcoming the Stigma of Money-MainPhoto

Are You Afraid to Be Rich? Overcoming the Stigma of Money

Maggie Cervantes took the right steps in life. She has a master’s degree, bought her first house at 36, and works at a job she loves. But like many people, she started saving for retirement later in life.“When I turned 40 I recognized…
How to Make the Right Financial Decisions During a Divorce-SliderPhoto

How to Make the Right Financial Decisions During a Divorce

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After all the time you spent wrestling the idea of ending your marriage, and all the sleepless nights you suffered, you’ve finally made up your mind. But deciding to divorce is only the beginning of the process. You’ve got your, and if…
Making gifts yourself

10 Holiday Gifts You Can Make Yourself

For many of us, holiday stress centers around one thing—money or, more precisely, a lack of it! It's difficult enough to get basic bills paid in this economy, but finding room in the budget for a dozen or more gifts may be impossible.…
Free fun Christmas

Top 4 Holiday Gifts That Are Free

The best holiday gifts are free! Here are some that you may consider: According to the National Retail Federation, Americans will spend more than $465 billion this holiday season, with the average family spending $704. If that seems a…
Money Matters Newlyweds Should Discuss-SliderPhoto

Money Matters Newlyweds Should Discuss Before Marrying

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So you’re getting ready for The Big Day. But once the hoopla dies down after the wedding and honeymoon, you and your new spouse have to face the future together. And research suggests that couples who agree on spending and saving do better…
Online Shopping Solutions for Everyone on Your Christmas List-MainPhoto

Online Shopping Solutions for Everyone on Your Christmas List

Tick-tock—it’s Christmas o’clock! By now, if you’re like many people, you should be pretty much done with your gift buying. On the other hand, if you’re more like me, a self-admitted procrastinator (I like to think I work best under…