Astrology Q&A: What's a Rising Sign?
Astrology, Life, Slider
Do you know your own rising sign? Even if you aren’t exactly interested in astrology, or you don’t consider yourself to be well versed on the topic, you’ve probably heard a lot about zodiac signs. At the very least, you know your sun…
Dare to Get Stung: 10 Crazy Facts about Dating a Scorpio Man
Astrology, Life, Love & Relationships, Slider
They’re charming, passionate, poised, witty, but, and there’s always a but when dating a Scorpio man, just be sure not to cross them. That is, unless you enjoy strolling through hell on occasion. If you´ve fallen head over heels for a…
15 Reasons Why a Virgo Man is Awesome to Date
Astrology, Life, Love & Relationships, Slider
UPDATED August 1st, 2016
Virgos are born under the sixth sign of the Zodiac between August 23 and September 22. The Virgo man personality traits include a tendency to be a bit critical, but they are also hard working, efficient, and have…
20 Famous Leo Celebs that Make Us Want to Pounce
Astrology, Entertainment, Featured Stories, Life
UPDATED August 1st, 2016
If there is one sign in that defines the celebrity temperament (and temper tantrum), it’s Leo—so imagine the famous Leo. Not only are the felines born under this sign known for their roars and lustrous manes,…
Sign On: The 6 Best Daily Horoscope Writers to Follow
Astrology, Featured Stories, Life
Wouldn’t we all love a little help, a little guidance and a little glimpse into our futures? Making decisions can be hard, life can be stressful, the future can be uncertain and who has time to freak out about the unknown? Which is why many…
Fire Starter: 15 Famous Aries We’ll Always Love
Astrology, Featured Stories, Life
There are so many famous Aries that it's tough to narrow our faves down to just fifteen. Aries, the first sign of the zodiac ruling those born between March 21 and April 19, is ruled by Mars and takes the ram as its symbol. They tend to…
The Age of Aquarius: 15 Famous Aquarians We Can't Help But Love
Astrology, Entertainment, Featured Stories, Life
Most famous Aquarians fit the profile of the zodiac's eleventh sign to a tee. Symbolized by the Water Bearer pouring his life-giving liquid to sustain the world. Those born between January 10 and February 18 tend to be heady, free thinkers…
Cosmically Conscious: A Mercury Retrograde Definition
Astrology, Life, Slider
If you've been struggling with communication and technical snafus lately, perhaps you need a Mercury Retrograde definition. This phenomenon occurs about three times a year and we're right in the middle of the first Mercury retrograde period…
Hollywood Ram: 20 Famous Capricorns we Adore
Astrology, Featured Stories, LifeThe fact that these 20 famous Capricorns (December 22 - January 19) became celebrities is a no brainer if you know a thing or two about astrology. For one, this earth sign represented by the noble goat, enjoys working, and when faced with stress,…