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5 Easy Ways to Boost Your Self-Esteem

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Even the most confident of us need to work on building self-esteem from time to time. And more often than not, we have to find this from within. Here are 5 easy ways to boost your self-esteem, and remind yourself of just how awesome you…
The St. Patrick´s I Knew I Was Pregnant-MainPhoto

The St. Patrick’s Day I Knew I Was Pregnant

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Have you ever had a holiday that you’ll never forget? As I sipped my Guinness on that fateful Saint Patrick’s Day, I could feel my world shifting underneath me. I will always remember and cherish Saint Patrick’s Day of 2010. That night,…

7 Tips for Successful Spring Cleaning

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Spring Cleaning are two words that inspire dread like no others. Maybe you’re overwhelmed by the clutter in your closet. Or perhaps you can’t bear to rid yourself of items that tug at your heartstrings, whether it’s your great-aunt Lydia’s…

Ugh, Winter Poundage: Weight Loss Tips to Fix Things Fast

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Most of us have post-holiday/pre-spring weight loss goals. Perhaps the hardest thing about packing on the inevitable holiday pounds is the fact that mother nature is stacking the deck against us as we're trying to shed them. Cold weather and…

Goal Setting and How to Figure Out What You Want Out of Life

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In a perfect world you would wake up one day during your early years and know exactly what you want to do with your life. But it never really works out that way. It can be hard to know what you really want from your life, and even if you think…
Right to Write? 10 Reasons Why You May Have a Memoir in You-MainPhoto

Right to Write: Why You Should be Thinking About Writing a Book

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We'd all love to pen the next bestseller but there are also many more reasons for writing a book. And we all have one, no matter how mundane we think our lives are. There's something about a memoir that touches people and allows them to share…

Power Player: Immune System Boosters to Try Now

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Cold and flu season is in full swing so we're all looking for immune system boosters and natural ways to keep illness at bay. And every year there's a new miracle supplement that's guaranteed to shorten colds or prevent illnesses entirely.…

Power Posturing: Sleeping Positions Meaning and What They Say About You

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Sleep positions meaning is a thing, and we're not just talking about what kind of pillow you should buy or how annoyed your partner will be if/when you kick them in the gut all night long. The connection between sleep positions and personality…

The Origin of Sushi: A Quick Culinary History

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Did you ever wonder about the origin of sushi?  Just how it occurred to someone to arrange raw fish over a ball of rice and eat it? Legend has it that an elderly Japanese woman once hid her pots in a fish eagle nest, and some of the bird’s…